Reply To Topic Topic: Error when upgrading DNN: Executing Script: 05.01.00.SqlDataProvider Error!
Posted By Deleted User on 4/1/2010 6:00 PM
When upgrading DNN from 4.X to 5.X, if you see an error in the upgrade Status Report that looks like this: 00:00:00.046 - Upgrading to Version: 05.01.00 00:00:00.296 - Executing Script: 05.00.00.SqlDataProvider Success 00:00:05.859 - Executing Script: 05.00.01.SqlDataProvider Success 00:00:08.093 - Executing Script: 05.01.00.SqlDataProvider Error! (see 05.01.00.log for more information) 00:00:19.718 - Executing Application Upgrades: 05.00.00 Success 00:00:57.203 - Executing Application Upgrades: 05.00.01 Success This is a relatively benign issue concerning the EventLog table. It can be safely ignored, however it will make your site just a little faster if you take care of it. The following explanation was taken from a forum post found here: “When you upgrade a 04.09.04 install version with the upgrade script from 05.01.00, the script tries to (and succeeds) in adding a new bigint field (autonumber, not null) called "LogEventID" in the EventLog table. The script fails however in making this field the primary field. You can manually remove the primary key from the field LogGUID (but leave the field in the table) and make the LogEventID a primary key. As already stated this error will have no impact on the application, however when it is not the primary key it will slow down performance when doing lookup's in the table with this field because it is not indexed”
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RE: Error when upgrading DNN: Executing Script: 05.01.00.SqlDataProvider Error!


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