
Action Form Notes

Action Form is a module developed by PlantAnApp for the DNN Content Management System and Development Platform. The developers at have used the Action Form module for countless projects and solutions for a number of years. The following is an modest collection of notes that we have started to record about techniques to take advantage of the strengths of this module. We record this here not to become a secondary help system for Action Form users or DNNSharp. But if you can find something here that helps you, that makes us happy too.

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CKEditor Missing -only the Custom Editor Options link shows

Mark Buelsing 0 2772 Article rating: No rating

If you try to edit an HTML module and only the link to "Custom Editor Options" shows and nothing else. Then edit the editor options and fine the font sizes in the Editor Config tab. If there is a blank in the sizes somewhere, it causes this problem. Remove the blank, save, close and reload.

Set the Value of a Dropdown with JQuery

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

To set the value of a Action Form dropdown using JQuery


If you place your code in the On Change/Click section of a form field, the following will work:

form.fields.FieldName.value = "AValue";

*Note the value you are setting must match one of the choices in the dropdown


If you are placing your code in a static text field or the initilization section,

you might need to get in-scope to set it. Try the following example


//gets the scope and uses it to set the value

  angular.element($("#dnn931Size")).scope().form.fields.Size.value = '12px';


//Update the UI with the change


Collapse DNN empty panes in Edit Mode

Mark Buelsing 0 3878 Article rating: No rating

When a DNN page is in edit mode, the empty window panes are unnecessarily tall and force you to scroll to see your content. You can collapse the empty panes with a little CSS.

One way is to add the following to the portal.css page


.dnnModuleManager.dnnSortable {
    min-height: 22px!important;


Another way is to edit the css file that has the class that is making them too tall.


Line 9  min-height: 135px !important;

Change it to 22 px

min-height: 22px !important;

And save

Pop Up a Page, or a Page with a Form on it

Mark Buelsing 0 4049 Article rating: No rating

If you want to pop up a page on top of the current one, add the following to the end of the querystring to remove the page skin and containers.



If this is a form, add the following to have the form close when it is submitted.
