Link to prefill form submissions.
The GUID that you put in the link can be found in the action form reports table, avtActionForm_Reports.
Here is the token to insert in an email to get a link back to the form with the content inserted:
Here is a sample SQL query to get that data for a submission
SELECT 'ReportEntryId: ' +
CONVERT(nvarchar(10),ReportEntryId) + ' UserID: ' +
CONVERT(nvarchar(10),UserId) + ' submitted on: ' +
CONVERT(nvarchar(11),DateSubmitted, 102) + '|' +
FROM db_Name.dbo.avtActionForm_Reports
WHERE ModuleID = 1037
ORDER BY ReportEntryId desc
This query could be improved by including some data from the form submission, like a name of the person submitting the form. That data is stored in the record in an xml format.