
Action Form Notes

Action Form is a module developed by for the DNN Content Management System and Development Platform. The developers at have used the Action Form module for countless projects and solutions for a number of years. The following is an modest collection of notes that we have started to record about techniques to take advantage of the strengths of this module. We record this here not to become a secondary help system for Action Form users or DNNSharp. But if you can find something here that helps you, that makes us happy too.

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Javascript & JQuery

Push a Grid Selection to a Form

Mark Buelsing 0 2579 Article rating: No rating

You can pop up a grid that will display records to choose from and then take the values from the chosen row and put them into the fiels on the form. This is a multiple column drop-down list box.

(Something that I have asked for in the past)

Use the following JS to move the field data from the grid to the form

/* Insert the module id of your FORM in the line below */

var module = '#dnn458root';


/* Use your form field names on the left side, and values from your grid row on the right */

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.FirstName.value = '[FirstName]';

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.LastName.value = '[LastName]';

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.Email.value = '[Email]';

/* Trigger the form to update by applying the field changes */


See a nice video that demonstrates building the popup components here:


Remove the ActionGrid URL Parameters

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

ActionGrid adds parameters to the URL for Page settings even when paging is turned off and not needed. I like those parameters to not be in the URL. This script can be used to clean up the URL. Be careful though, this removes all URL parameters, so if there are parameters needed for something else on the page, don't use this.


setTimeout(function (){ history.pushState(null, null, 'dashboard');}, 5000);

You can put the script in the ActionGrid module settings, Advanced UI Settings, On Init Javascript

Remove blank from Multiple Choice

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

Multiple Choice fields have a blank entry in the list. I find that non-entry a confusing thing and don't want it there. It is usually the first item in the select list. You can remove it with code. Put a Static Text field on the form and paste the following JS. Change the ID's


// delete the blank entries in the combos



A CSS:3 way to do this is to add the following style:

 option:empty{ display:none;} */Removes empty Multiple choice options /*


Set the value of a Multiple Choice in JS

Mark Buelsing 0 2545 Article rating: No rating

When you need to set the value of a Multiple Choice field from some other field's "On Change Click", this syntax works.

Multiple Choice Field Name: EnteringGrade2

Syntax: document.getElementById( = 0;


This syntax avoids using the actual field ID

The value of 0 is the default entry = "Select"

How to Click a Button Using Javascript in Action Form

Mark Buelsing 0 0 Article rating: No rating

If the Button ID is FillDirectInput,

Use the following syntax to get the ID and insert into a JQuery click command


A way to get the form field values from an action form

