
Solutions to Problems or Custom Needs in a Website

Many solutions we create for one site can be used and appreciated on other sites also.

Have a look at this list of components and solutions we have developed over time and if you could benefit from any of them you are welcome to them.

Please let us know if you would like to discuss the details or would like some help getting one installed.

Push a Grid Selection to a Form

Mark Buelsing 0 2907 Article rating: No rating

You can pop up a grid that will display records to choose from and then take the values from the chosen row and put them into the fiels on the form. This is a multiple column drop-down list box.

(Something that I have asked for in the past)

Use the following JS to move the field data from the grid to the form

/* Insert the module id of your FORM in the line below */

var module = '#dnn458root';


/* Use your form field names on the left side, and values from your grid row on the right */

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.FirstName.value = '[FirstName]';

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.LastName.value = '[LastName]';

angular.element($(module)).scope().form.fields.Email.value = '[Email]';

/* Trigger the form to update by applying the field changes */


See a nice video that demonstrates building the popup components here: