
Solutions to Problems or Custom Needs in a Website

Many solutions we create for one site can be used and appreciated on other sites also.

Have a look at this list of components and solutions we have developed over time and if you could benefit from any of them you are welcome to them.

Please let us know if you would like to discuss the details or would like some help getting one installed.

Pop Up a Page, or a Page with a Form on it

Mark Buelsing 0 3336 Article rating: No rating

If you want to pop up a page on top of the current one, add the following to the end of the querystring to remove the page skin and containers.



If this is a form, add the following to have the form close when it is submitted.


Open Form in Popup With Querystring Parameters

Mark Buelsing 0 2423 Article rating: 5.0

Using the javascript API you can open Action Form in popup by calling the next javascript method

dnnsf.api.actionForm.openPopupById('1234', {'param':'valueofparam','param2':'valueofparam2'},true)


Also works for simply initializing a form already on the page

dnnsf.api.actionForm.initForm('1234', {'param':'valueofparam','param2':’valueofparam2'})

Move Pop-Up Form title Left of X

Mark Buelsing 0 2396 Article rating: No rating

Action Form, the pop-up form title shows in the wrong place, to the right of the X to close the form. Use this script to move the text to the left. Put it in the initialization Scripts in the form settings.


$('.modal-header h4').insertBefore($('.modal-header button'));